All About Remote Bookkeeping Services

If you want to free up time, improve your management skills, and simplify next year’s tax season, consider using remote bookkeeping services. What are remote bookkeeping services? How do you hire a virtual bookkeeper? We’ll answer these questions and more in this blog post all about remote bookkeeping.

Should I outsource bookkeeping?

Whether you are a startup CEO or independent freelancer, outsourcing is a great idea. Most business owners are not accounting experts. And many find bookkeeping to be challenging or tedious. So they only take care of bookkeeping tasks sporadically, or not at all. Also, switching gears from your main tasks of management and customer relations can lower your performance where it really matters.

Many startups prefer to outsource bookkeeping services right away, so they can get their finances started on the right foot immediately. Hiring a virtual bookkeeper is faster, simpler, and many times more affordable than employing an in-house bookkeeper.

What are remote bookkeeping services?

Remote bookkeeping services are bookkeeping services performed away from the client’s physical location. This means you could run your business in one city, but have a bookkeeper work remotely for you from another city, state, or even country. Remote bookkeeping services are perfect for businesses that are run from home, or for freelancers that aren’t interested in hiring employees.

What is a virtual bookkeeper?

A virtual bookkeeper is a qualified and trained bookkeeper that provides services from another location using cloud software. Most of the popular bookkeeping software solutions allow remote bookkeeping since data is stored in the cloud. Both the client and bookkeeper can access and manage the books this way. A virtual bookkeeper would also communicate remotely, via email, phone, text, and/or video conferencing software.

How much do remote bookkeeping services cost?

Remote bookkeeping services have a wide range of pricing. The lowest cost options would be going through an accounting outsourcing website or freelancer database. With these options services may be limited and security and communications can be a concern. The most expensive remote bookkeeping option would be working with a large financial firm that serves fortune 500 companies. However it can be difficult to get your foot in the door.

A great middle-ground is hiring a local accounting group that provides one-on-one remote bookkeeping services. Pricing is usually reasonable and affordable, between $500 and $2500 a month depending on the size of your business. Choose an accounting group with bookkeepers that prioritize communication and already have a good track record.