Posts in Accounting 101
How to Accept Payments

We can all say how our business is driven by passion, creativity, a desire to help others... but what does a business really run on? Money. You need to get paid. And it needs to be as simple and streamlined as possible. Don't overlook the importance of choosing the right payment gateway. It can be overwhelming, but this blog post will break it all down so you can pick the right payment gateway for your business.

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How to Choose a Business Structure

Choosing a business structure is one of the very first steps to starting your business. You have to choose a structure before you can register your business in your state.

Setting this up right will make accounting and taxes easier. It will also protect you legally and financially. Switching your structure later on can cause many headaches. So take your time when choosing. This guide will make it simple.

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What is Bookkeeping?

What is bookkeeping? Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions. Or put even more simply, bookkeeping is tracking money coming in and going out.

Since this data is so crucial to the world of accounting, it’s important to know the details of what bookkeeping is. This post will make it easy to understand what bookkeeping is. It’s valuable info whether you’re doing your own bookkeeping or have hired a bookkeeper.

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